n24=.Golf-Lamer:/me sees $$1 acting like a lamer. | /me looks around for a golf club. | /me sees a 7-iron on the wall of # $+ . | /me grabs the 7-iron... winds up... and.... | /kick # $$1 >>-ª\/ª-> FOUR! <-ª\/ª-<<
n25=.Shotgun:/me Looks around and sees a DOUBLE-BARREL SHOTGUN on the wall of # $+ . | /me sees $$1 Acting like a retard. | /me grabs the Double-Barrel Shotgun, puts in 2 shells, cocks the Shotgun... | /me Fires at $$1 | /kick # $1 >>-ª\/ª-> Anti-Retard Room. <-ª\/ª-<<
n26=.Fags'R'Us:/kick # $* >>-ª\/ª-> NO FAGS, This isn't Fags 'R' Us <-ª\/ª-<<
n27=.Field Goal:/me is told to kick a field goal by the coach. | /me looks around... | /say I DON'T HAVE A BALL! | /me looks at $$1 $+ 's head | /say You ain't using this anyway... | /me lines up to kick.... | /me starts to run... | /me kicks.... | /kick # $1 >>-ª\/ª-> ITS GOOD FOR 3!!!!!!! <-ª\/ª-<<
n28=.Black Hole Sun..:/me sings "Black Hole Sun, Won't You Come" | /me continues "And Kick All Those Retards!" | /kick # $1 >>-ª\/ª-> BLACK HOLE SUN! <-ª\/ª-<<
n29=.Fork:/me picks up a fork and walks towards $1 $+ ... | /me rasis the fork in a stabing position..... | /me Stabs $1 in the Eye with the Fork! | /kick # $1 >>-ª\/ª-> OUCH! <-ª\/ª-<<
n30=.Congrat:/me pats $$1 on the back and congratulates $$1 for a point well made!!! | /timer1 1 5 /say jerk | /timer2 1 6 /kick # $$1 >>-ª\/ª-> I hate jerks! <-ª\/ª-<<
n31=.What this do?:/say Hmmmm. | /me wonders what this Button does | /kick # $$1 >-ª\/ª->> Oh... That! <-ª\/ª-<<
n33=Whois ECHO:/wil $1
n34=Whois:/whois $$1
n35=Query:/query $$1
n36=UCentral:/uwho $1
n37=Notify:/notify $*
n39=your mama
n40=mom:/say $$1 $read -s c:\mirc\yomama.txt
n41=Slaps taken from hazmat
n42=.Block Attack:/me blocks $$1's futile and hopeless attack!
n43=.Glare at User:/me glares sharply at $$1 !
n44=.Punch User:/me punches $$1 sharply in the nose!
n45=.Shoot User:/me blows $$1 away with a double barrel shotgun!
n46=.Cast Spell:/me casts a magical spell of $?="What kind of spell?" upon $$1!
n47=.problem:/me says " $$1 DO YOU GOT A PROBLEM " | /say WELL SOLVE IT BUTTMUNCH!
n48=.Shoot User With?:/say Ok, you R bugging me, Tyme to get ruff, $$1 | /me pulls out his $$?="your???" and Shoots it at $$1 to cause some MAJOR damage to their $$?="damage to??"
n49=.Grin Wicked:/me grins at $$1 wickedly!
n50=.Warning:/me warns $$1 to watch their mouth or risk being kicked!
n51=.Stone:/me has been turned to stone cause of $$1 's uglyness!
n52=.Snot:/me grabs a snotty tissue and rubs it all over $$1
n53=.Drown:/me drowns $$1 in a cup of water!
n54=.Saw:/me runs after $$1 with a chain saw
n55=.Slam:/me slams the door on $$1's hand
n56=.Thow:/me throws a flaming $? at $$1
n57=.Dog:/me lets loose his dog after $$1 | /ame gets sad after Rover left him so he writes a country song about Rover and $$1's affair
n58=.PBCantalope:/me dips giant cantalopes in peanut butter and throws them at $$1
n59=.Shout./me starts shouting "Long Live The Moose People" at $$1 and watches $$1 go totally insane
n60=.Ginsu:/me starts playing with ginsu knives and accidently gives $$1 a neat trim....... | /ame thinks $$1 looks very nice bald
n61=.Bag:/me is tired of seeing $$1's butt ugly face | /ame gives $$1 a bag for their head to hide all their zits
n62=.Lonely:/me thinks $$1 looks pretty lonely and would like some company | /ame gives $$1 a blow up doll to make their life dream come true....to find someone as smart as them
n63=love slaps
n64=.Hug:/me gives $$1 a Loving (((( HUG ))))!
n65=.Smile:/me smiles warmly at $$1!
n66=.Kiss: /me (((( kisses )))) $$1 !
n67=.Love:/me falls in love with $$1 's beauty....
n68=.Slow Kiss:/me takes $$1 into his arms and kisses her passionately
n69=.Cuddle:/me cuddles up closely to $$1
n70=.Caress:/me caresses $$1 gently and holds her.
n71=.Embrace:/me embraces $$1
n72=.Love:/me LOVES $$1 (((( HUGS ))))!
n73=.Propose:/me gets down on his knees before the lovely $$1, " $$1, will you marry me?" | /say *SMILE*
n74=.Sing:/me sings "You Are So Beautiful To ME" to $$1!
n75=.Give Rose:/me presents $$1 with a perfect red rose 9@--,-'---
n76=.Dance:/me dances slowly with $$1
n77=.Tickle:/me *tickles* $$1 all over!
n79=Add to Level
n80=.Add to Shitlist:/guser 999 $1 2 | /notice $1 >>-ª\/ª-> YOU ARE SHITLISTED <-ª\/ª-<< | /say >>-ª\/ª-> $1 IS NOW SHITLISTED <-ª\/ª-<< | /ban $chan $1 2 | /kick $chan $1 >>-ª\/ª-> $nick IS SHITLISTED <-ª\/ª-<<
n81=.Add to Friends List :/guser 90 $snicks 90 | /notice $* >>-ª\/ª-> You have been added to $me 's user list as a FRIEND! Don't you feel special? <-ª\/ª-<<
n82=.Add to level Op List :/guser 2 $$1 3 | /notice $* >>-ª\/ª-> You have been added to $me 's user list as an OP! Don't you feel special? <-ª\/ª-<<